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Title: LOST & RICH ➜➜ http://amzn.to/2fK5PDj
Author: Jude Ouvrard
Genre: Contemporary Romance
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Hosted: (http://magicofbookspromo.blogspot.com) @MoBPromos
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#Synopsis: http://getbook.at/Lost-Rich
Widowed before her thirtieth birthday, Gracie Collins has dealt with her share of tragedy. Lonely and on her own, she ends up taking a job with an arrogant boss. Three years later, she’s taken to tolerating him for the sake of entertainment. When she’s not eating the frustrations he’s caused, that is. Everything changes when a stroke of good luck puts Gracie in a position she never imagined. Freed of the rat race, she begins contemplating her identity, her goals, and her dreams. She begins taking chances and expanding her horizons, but is she ready to move on with life, love, and the future? Will her newfound fortune pave the road to happiness? Or will Gracie find that wealth has left her poorer than ever before?
#Author info:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/JudeOUVRARD
Twitter: https://twitter.com/AuthorJude_O
Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/Jude-Ouvrard/e/B00E3OGKUS
Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/JudeOuvrard
Website: https://authorjudeouvrard.wordpress.com/
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