Title: Revenge Bound (Tattoo Thief #3)
Author: Heidi Joy Tretheway
Release: July 31, 2014
Goodreads Link: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/20467940-revenge-bound
On the Internet, secrets never die…
Violet can’t imagine anything worse than having her very private, very naked photos strewn across the Internet.
Until they multiply like a virus. With her name, address, and phone number attached.
And her boss finds out. And a stalker finds her.
Violet’s refuge is a rock star known for going through groupies faster than guitar picks. Letting Jayce get close enough to protect her risks exposing her secret—and her heart—because his celebrity could ruin her.
Being a nobody is the one thing keeping Violet’s photos from making headlines. And it’s the reason she can never fall for a rock star.
Secrets spread like wildfire when a celebrity fans the flames.
REVENGE BOUND is a full-length, standalone novel, and a companion to the Tattoo Thief books. It contains steamy scenes and strong language intended for mature readers.
Author Pic: attached
Author Bio:
Heidi Joy lives in Happy Valley off Sunnyside Road. She swears she did not make that up.
Heidi’s career includes marketing, journalism, and a few delicious years as a food columnist. Media passes took her backstage with several rock bands, where she learned that sometimes a wardrobe malfunction is exactly what the rock star intends.
You’ll most often find Heidi Joy with her husband and two small kids fishing, clamming, exploring the Northwest and building epic forts in their living room.
Find her books over at Amazon:http://www.amazon.com/Heidi-Joy-Tretheway/e/B00AMPLLO2Goodreads.com/heidi.tretheway and Barnes & Noble:http://www.barnesandnoble.com/c/heidi-joy-tretheway
Social Media Links:
Website: heidijoytretheway.com
Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/6920129.Heidi_Joy_Tretheway
Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/Heidi-Joy-Tretheway/e/B00AMPLLO2Goodreads.com/heidi.tretheway
Twitter: https://twitter.com/heiditretheway
BN: http://www.barnesandnoble.com/c/heidi-joy-tretheway
Newsletter signup: tinyurl.com/heidisbooks
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Tattoo Thief (Tattoo Thief #1)
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Tyler & Stella (Tattoo Thief #2)
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