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Title: OF DECEPTION AND DIVINITY ➜➜ http://amzn.to/2hlhlp5
Series: Death and Destiny Trilogy, Book 3
Author: N.D. Jones
Genre: Paranormal Romance
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The arrival of a new enemy. The start of a greater battle. A destiny to be defended.
A mighty war, waged every 500 years, has returned to the realm of mortals. And with it, the Day of Serpents arrives to wreak havoc upon the world.
Assefa and Sanura struggle to complete their mate bond, as they also continue their fight in this preternatural war of fire versus water. Unseen enemies, surprise magic attacks, and betrayal lurk at every turn for the couple, and revelations about their powers and past come to light.
As Assefa and Sanura fight to seal their bond and love, destiny and divinity may have already sealed their fate.
Additional Books:
Of Fear and Faith ➜➜ http://amzn.to/2hpelUK
Of Beasts and Bonds ➜➜ http://amzn.to/2gC7Y3J
#Author info:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ndjonesparanormalromanceauthor/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/NDJonesauthor
Amazon: http://amzn.to/2gCeUO7
Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/NDJones
Website: http://www.ndjonesparanormalpleasure.com/
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