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Title: ALL WHO WANDER ARE LOST ➜➜ http://amzn.to/2ovmEV9
Series: Icarus Fell series, book 2
Author: Bruce Blake
Genre: Urban Fantasy
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Hosted: (http://magicofbookspromo.blogspot.com) @MoBPromos
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#Synopsis: http://viewbook.at/AWWAL
If we're good, we go to Heaven; if we're bad we go to Hell. No one wants to go to Hell.
Except one man who wishes people would just remember to call him Ric.
In the aftermath of a serial killer's murderous spree, souls who didn't deserve damnation went to Hell. The archangel Michael doesn't seem concerned, but Icarus Fell can't bear the guilt of knowing it's his fault they ended up there.
But how can he save them when the archangel forbids him from going and his guardian angel refuses to help?
The answer comes in the form of another beautiful, bewitching guardian angel who offers to be his guide. They travel to Hell to rescue the unjustly damned one by one, but salvation comes at a cost and the economy of Hell demands souls.
Is it a price Icarus is willing to pay?
Additional Books:
ON UNFAITHFUL WINGS ➜➜ http://amzn.to/2oSbdUg
#Author info:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/BruceBlakeWrites
Twitter: https://twitter.com/bruceablake
Amazon: http://amzn.to/28ZzeRt
Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/4150962.Bruce_Blake
Website: https://bruceblake.wordpress.com/
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