Sunday 22 October 2017


Blurb for Scorpio. Coming Oct. 28th! 

With a mind as strong as twisted steel, Scorpio obsessed Henry Slater, suave, sophisticated, sexy, intelligent, and wealthy is the perfect man—except to women who tell him what he doesn’t want to hear.
Dr. John Trenton is called back to NYC for a case close to his heart, while NYPD Detective Samantha “Sam” Wright and Dr. Frank Khaos, conflicted about their on-again-off-again relationship, take on another case—a serial killer who’s orchestrated sixteen murders across the United States over a nine-year period. The seventeenth victim is Sam’s best friend, Carrie Baines. When forensic science connects Frank to Slater, Frank is pushed to delve into his past, something he swore never to do. Meanwhile, due to the interstate nature of the crimes the FBI gets involved, convincing Sam to go undercover. But Slater is clever, and Sam is no match for him. Will her psychic skills and police training be enough to survive this close encounter with a killer, or will she end up as his eighteenth victim? And even if she lives, is her relationship with Frank really over?


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Readers can also catch up on Gemini and Aries, Books 1& 2 of the series.
 Amazon For both books in The Sign Behind The Crime Series, Kindle and Paperback
Barnes and Noble For both books in The Sign Behind the Crime Series, Nook and Paperback
Amazon CA For both books in The Sign behind The Crime Series, Ebook and Paperback

Amazon UK For both books in The Sign Behind the Crime Series

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