#PreOrder #OnTour with A Strange Companion by 👉 Lisa Manterfield! Releasing April 4, 2017! #PreOrder your copy today!
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“A Strange Companion hooks the reader with its very first line and never lets go. The voice is unassuming and introspective, the prose elegant, and the descriptions sensuous.”
~Society of Children’s Book Writers and Illustrators
“Manterfield presents a story - part romance, part mystery - about love and loss, and learning to live again. Reminiscent of The Art of Racing in the Rain, we can't help but embrace the dream that the ones we have loved and lost may one day return.”
~Julie Mayerson Brown, author of The Long Dance Home
“This beautiful blend of heartbreak, finding one’s self, grief, forgiveness, loss, and second chances, is a perfect rainy day read. I cannot say enough good things about this book! Read it with a box of tissues, as you will cry your eyes out.”
~The Reading Wolf
Mai dropped to her knees and wrapped her arms around Frida’s enormous head. She rested her cheek against Frida’s bristly fur and the two of them lay there as if they’d been best pals forever. Luke reached down and ran his hand along Frida’s back. As he moved back to stroke again, his hand paused on Mai’s arm, curled around Frida’s neck.
Luke froze.
I felt the air around us go still—all except for one crackle of energy that danced between Mai and Luke. I felt it, Luke felt it, Frida felt it . . . and so did Mai.
Luke cast his eyes down at the little girl at his feet, who stared, unblinking, back at him. His brow wrinkled, as his mind struggled to understand what I knew his heart felt. Then, something passed between them that I had once seen pass between Luke and his brother. It was more than love, more than understanding, more, even, than blood. It was a deep connection, a spark between two people, two souls, who were inextricably intertwined.
Luke looked at me. “Did you feel that?”
I nodded.
“What was it?”
I hesitated. I knew exactly what it was, but how could I tell Luke? It was one thing to tell Maggie about my suspicions, but Luke was Gabe’s brother. Was it fair of me to risk opening up the hurt I knew he’d spent the past two years trying to heal? But perhaps I wasn’t the only one Gabe needed to visit. I felt a prickle of excitement at the possibility that someone else might finally understand.
Glancing back to make sure Luke and I were out of earshot, I leaned in and whispered. “I think it’s Gabe.”
Luke narrowed his eyes at me. “He’s haunting her?”
I shook my head. “Do you believe in reincarnation, Luke?”
He shrugged, but the expression of curiosity on his face prompted me to take a chance.
“I didn’t either until I met Mai.”
This #PreOrder is hosted by #EnticingJourneyBookPromotions
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