#OnTour #KindleUnlimited Beast (Twisted Ever After) by ➻ A. Zavarelli is #LIVE #OneClick today and enter the #Giveaway
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Once upon a time, I believed in fairytales.
But then he took me.
And he taught me that life isn’t a fairytale.
He is scarred. Broken.
A dark and wild thing.
His beauty is violent and his words are cruel.
His heart is a shadowed landscape where nothing can grow.
He tells me he could never care for me, and he proves it every day.
He’s destroyed my life.
Tortured me.
And worse…
He’s trained me to beg for his affection.
This prison is a place where sunlight doesn’t reach.
He taught me that hate is born in darkness.
And then he taught me that sometimes love is too.
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#BeastRelease #PromoTour
Hosted by #EnticingJourneyBookPromotions
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