Wednesday, 10 July 2019

Cheekypee Spotlights her Signed Books -Cinere .- Day 4

📚Cheekypee spotlights her signed books 📚 

Day 4 and I’ve got an extract for you

“She smells a lot like you did before you crawled into my bed for the first time,” I say quietly into the dark hole. Jocelyn doesn’t respond but I know she can hear me, so I continue. “I thought that she would taste like you too but I think that maybe I waited too long to find out—or it could be that I took my taste before she was ripe enough.” 
When I hear her shifting on the hay at the bottom of the oubliette, I smirk and keep going. 
“I don’t know. A lot of this shit doesn’t seem to make sense anymore. It’s not the way it was when you were above ground—I won’t lie about that. I do miss you sometimes, Joce, but you’re too fucking willful to be up here with us. Hell, you’d probably try to grab my baby and make a run for it even though you know how that would end. And that’s why you’re down in the hole where you belong,” I say, crouching down and putting a hand on either side of the well. 
A rock goes whizzing by my head and I move quickly enough to keep from getting cracked in the face with it, letting out a laugh. 
“Still got some spirit, I see. Relax; I haven’t touched her. I just wanted to make sure I had your attention, and now that I do, I want to make a proposition.” 
Jocelyn throws another rock, but this time I catch it, stand up, and start tossing it up in the air. 
“If you keep throwing shit at me, I’ll just seal this fucking well up forever and you’ll starve to death. I think maybe you should listen to what I have to say,” I reply conversationally.

Grab it here ➡️

#signedbook #topreads #bookstagram #cheekypeesignedbooks

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