Thursday 25 June 2015

King - my review

Wow yes wow I totally loved this book. I've not read a storyline like this before so that's a great bonus for me. 

King is a bad ass. He doesn't care who he hurts. He will however do anything for the people he cares about. He only cares for two people. That is until Doe jumps into his life. I was addicted to this story. I needed to know more about both characters and what made them tick. 

I'm addicted to reading. I'd read quicker than eat or drink. So of course when I hear of a great book coming out with a unique storyline and a cliffhanger I jump right in. Yes I hate cliffhangers but I'm obsessed with reading so I gave it a shot. Now I'm sitting here thinking yikes I didn't expect that ending. The last quarter of the book I was expecting a bomb to hit me but seriously I'm still shaking my head thinking wow. You need to 1-click. It's a fab read. 

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