Friday 26 June 2015

Screw Up - cover reveal

✭✭✭✭ Cover Reveal ✭✭✭✭
Alexis Wilder Screw Up 
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Cassie has hit hard times. She can’t find a job, her mother is headed for jail, and her love life jumped a plane and fled to another continent. What’s an ardent fangirl to do? When a handsome new acquaintance offers her a lucrative position writing for his online publication, TenFootPole, Cassie jumps at the chance to make some real money doing what she loves: writing. The only catch is the subject matter. She’s assigned the celebrity gossip magazine’s new beat, the sex desk, and must score with a big name actor and then tell the readers all about it. In graphic detail. In fact, Mr. Wilcox wants to know everything about them, but mostly what they’ve got beneath their belt and how they use it while consorting with newly made friends. Her new employers point out that in order to remain a viable undercover operative, she must keep her new position a secret, and decide to publish her articles under the pseudonym the Tinseltown Temptress. At first, she’s dismayed by this restriction (how is a writer supposed to make a name for themselves when no one knows what that name is?), but she soon realizes that no amount of anonymity would be enough to protect her from the repercussions of her notorious stories. As her personal life circles the drain, Cassie grasps for handholds in all the wrong laps and struggles to keep her head above the shark infested water. Continuing to invest in a male-revue nightclub is her one source of hope for a future outside of sexual journalism, but when that, and her long-standing friendship with its owner are put in jeopardy, she must either rally her seductive forces to save herself or sink forever under the waves.
Hosted By Be My Book Boyfriend 

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